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The Planning Services section of Colchester Borough Council (CBC) provides Dedham Parish Council with details of all relevant Planning Applications received, thereby giving parishioners the opportunity to express an opinion on proposed developments. The Parish Council appoints a Planning Advisory Group to review each Application and propose a response to CBC after considering:
- written comments from parishioners
- the Village Design Statement and the Parish Plan ( BUT see below)
- the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and the Conservation Areas
- village envelopes
- responses to the Application posted on the CBC planning website
- changes in planning legislation and guidelines
- the Material Planning Considerations followed by CBC,which currently exclude the Village Design Statement and the Parish Plan; these cannot be considered by CBC in reaching a planning decision.
The Parish Council decides the response to CBC,which generally will take the form of a brief statement that:
- there is no objection to the application, or:
- there are concerns that should be addressed before the application is approved, or:
- the proposal is unacceptable,giving the reasons for the opinion
All responses can be seen by parishioners in the Parish Council minutes and on the CBC planning website under the Planning Application number.
It must be remembered that CBC is responsible for planning decisions,and Dedham Parish Council, on behalf of parishioners, may only express an opinion. Decisions may contradict this opinion.
Details of Planning Applications.
CBC gives details of applications to immediate neighbours and the Ward Councillor,as well as to Dedham Parish Council, and appropriate notices are displayed near the site in question.Details may also be inspected on the CBC planning website.
Commenting on Planning Applications.
If a parishioner wishes to comment on an application they should always quote the relevant application number and use one of the following methods:
- email the comments to planning.services@colchester.gov.uk or,
- write to Head of Environmental & Protective Services, Rowan House, 33 Sheepen Road, Colchester CO3 3WG
- copy the letter or email: clerk@dedhamparishcouncil.co.uk
Parishioners may make a verbal presentation of their comments at the monthly Parish Council meeting(maximum duration three minutes). A verbal presentation may also be made at the relevant CBC Planning Committee meeting; please note that procedures at this meeting are strictly controlled,and it is strongly advised to consult with the Ward Councillor beforehand to ensure that the presentation is acceptable and effective.
All applications are dealt with by CBC according to a regulated timetable,and parishioners must comply with the deadlines imposed.
Last updated - 14/02/2025
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